Do you know what the number 1440 represents? I didn’t realize the importance of that number until I attended a recent youth summit held last year for the Hernando Youth Initiative. Florida child advocate Jack Levine, reminded us that there are 1440 minutes in every day. With those 1440 minutes, we each have the choice as to how we use them. He suggested that we take at least 20 minutes of alone time for ourselves and dedicate at least 20 additional minutes toward meaningful conversation with someone else in our life. Forty minutes dedicated daily to important priorities leaving us with 1400 additional minutes to spend on everything and everyone else.
This message came at just the right time for me. I had many recent life changes which led me to be very focused on my business, my clients, family and friends. All of this focus was for a great cause, but in the midst of supporting everyone else, I was starting to neglect myself. I realized how quickly days can fly by without us realizing we have not made a nice meal for ourselves or even taken time to relax our minds. The days of ordering out, skipping exercise and working 15 hours straight, were starting to take a toll on my mindset and my body. As a wellness coach I realized that although my intentions were good and I knew what to do, I was not applying my own knowledge during my hectic days. These daily choices were starting to add up.
It is important in 2012 that we realize our daily choices add up either positively or negatively having a cumulative effect on our mind, body and soul. Much of our quality of life and longevity is decided upon our daily lifestyle choices. Science suggests only 1/3 of our outcomes are based upon genetics. This is great news for us if we decide to invest at least 20 minutes into ourselves each day. Doing so may drastically slow the aging process and improve the way we feel.
Think about it, wherever you spend the most productive time, you tend to get the best result.
If you spend a few hours cleaning your house each week, it generally looks well kept. If you take time to water your plants, prune them and give them proper care, they tend to live longer. We have to remember our bodies are the same way, yet our bodies are much more valuable than the car, house or plants.
According to a recent Wall Street Journal post, 6 out of 7 full time employees are struggling with weight issues and/or chronic health conditions. Our children are on medication for diabetes, blood pressure and depression. Although these statistics are becoming common, they are not normal. The human body was not created to fall apart. With a little upkeep, it can be rather resilient. Taking a few minutes to pack a healthy snack to go, grabbing a bottle of water or stretching before you wind down at night, can lead to a healthier you. Small choices can add up to big rewards.
As we enter into 2012, think about your 1440 minutes and how you want to use them daily. Only you can make the choice as to how you want to spend your time. For your health and our future, it is my hope that you will dedicate at least 20 minutes daily to invest life’s best gift….YOU!
Thanks for sharing this article with me! When you think about the day in terms of 1440 minutes it really puts time in perspective. I always complain that I need “more time” to accomplish the tasks each day presents or that I have “no time” to myself to plug in a work out, take a walk or just relax with a good book. It is really hard to justify not dedicating 20 minutes a day for myself when you consider there is still 1420 minutes left over for everything else!
“Small choices can add up to big rewards.” For me it’s that 15 minute nap! Realizing I AM important enough to “clock-out” for a few minutes in the middle of whatever kind of day I am having. All that “to do” stuff will wait for me. I return to work completely refreshed & ready to hit it just as hard as I did at 8am.
The 20/20 I’ll have to work on. I’ve been skipping my morning quiet time but it’s just a matter of setting my priorities and insisting that others respect that I AM a priority (in a loving manner of course)! That other 20: I get too wrapped up in my work & that’s not good, for myself or others. XO Thank you, Kim!