GMO, aka genetically modified organism, is a seed, plant or animal that has been genetically engineered with DNA from bacteria, viruses or other plants and animals. These experimental combinations of genes from different species cannot occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding.1
The majority of GMOs in the United States consist of seeds that have been engineered to withstand high amounts of pesticides, known as Herbicide Tolerant or are insect resistant utilizing a bacteria referred to as Bt. Each are obviously used in efforts to sustain the life of the plant while killing off the pests. The negative issue with this is that we as humans are ingesting large amounts of these dangerous pesticides every time we eat non-organic foods. The Bt Corn and Bt Cotton, are engineered to explode the stomach of the insect which attempts to eat the plant. When humans ingest products infused with these GMOs, we too are experiencing stress to our digestive tract and a negative immune system response. Some scientists claim these type of chemicals and seed alterations are not impactful to the human body in small doses, but if it is in every meal the majority of Americans consume, how is this a small dose? The concept behind GMO is to create sustainable crops and feed the world, yet the majority of crops that are genetically modified are soybean, cotton and corn.2 These crops offer very little nutritional value and if offered to those who are starving, it would give the perception that they are getting food, but would rarely be enough to sustain quality of life. These altered seeds are also being fed to sustain the production of pigs, chickens, cows and fish, yet none of these animals were designed to live off of these grains. With various scientific modifications, most industrialized animals are suffering chronic disease, rapid growth/weight gain and poor quality of life. We are then consuming this animal meat that has higher chemical exposure and less nutritional value.
Scientists, news reporters, celebrities, physicians, health coaches and everyday people go back and forth as to whether or not GMOs are positive or negative to our society. You will find valid studies on both sides of the fence and those adamant for their use, while others are demanding labeling of GMO and more organically produced foods. As someone who used to have autoimmune dysfunction and chronic digestive issues, I understand first hand how much the quality of food impacts ones overall health and well being. When I learned about GMOs, I thought logically about their production, their use and the companies who were producing them. Although each study contradicted each other and I was not sure who to believe, I realized that nature knows how to make food. If man is creating food and altering it to reduce pesticide usage or to increase crop production, it doesn’t mean it is in the best interest of my cells.
Monsanto is the top producer of genetically modified seeds. Monsanto was founded in St. Louis, Missouri in 1901, by John Francis Queeny, a 30‑year veteran of the pharmaceutical industry.3
In the past 100 years Monsanto has created or co-created:
- saccharin
- sulfuric acid
- PCBs
- nuclear weapons
- Agent Orange
- recombinant bovine growth hormone
- glyphosate
and in 1975, became the first company to patent life by gaining the rights to own and create their version of various seeds. 4
For me, just knowing the history of Monsanto and the danger of their products, why would I trust that they have my best interest in hand with food production? Why would we want them to have so much control over our food when in the past their primary focus was for personal profit?
The majority of companies that utilize Monsanto’s products for feed, hormones and pesticides, treat their animals like this:
Whether GMO or mass food production is considered “healthy” or “safe”, I personally choose to reduce the amount of dollars I give to any company that supports this type of animal treatment. The only way companies can sustain business is if we invest in them. Every time we purchase fast food, conventionally raised fruits, veggies, dairy or meat, we are helping these large corporations stay in business and unintentionally condoning this kind of food production. For me, this is conforming to the ways of the world. It may seem easier to go with the norm, but once you are enlightened, it’s inevitable that if you want to make a real change, if you want to protect the health of your family, you figure out a way to Be the Change You Wish to See! This is why we at the Garcia Institute of Modern Excellence work so hard to find local, sustainable and organic food sources for our customers and ourselves.
Here are some thoughts to think about:
1. Organic food is really just FOOD. It is what our great grandparents considered everyday food with less pesticides, hormones and genetic engineering. Nothing special or weird.
2. Whole foods, whether organic or not, are still better than eating processed food loaded with soybean, corn syrup and cottonseed oil. The goal of this post is not to incent food fears or orthorexia, yet to offer education so you can pick and choose which company you decide to invest your dollars and health in. If you only have conventionally raised food available to eat, EAT IT! The stress over food will kill you faster than the GMO. The goal is just to make consistent effort to be the change you wish to see. Small changes add up to positive results!
3. In my personal and professional experience, busy human beings, need animal protein for quality health. This info blog is in no way a promotion to cut out animal products. The goal is to find animal products that have been humanely raised as they were intended to live.
4.Even if you are eating mostly veggies and fruits, if they are loaded with the chemical glyphosate or created from GMO seeds, you can experience digestion issues, neural damage, skin rashes, infertility, heart complications and pain.5,6
5.Several other developed countries have banned the use of GMOs or they at least require labeling of each product to offer awareness and conscious choice. 7
6. Take time to look up the products Monsanto has created in the past. Do you think they, or any other chemical company such as this is concerned with your health?
7.If you want to make a difference in your quality of life and the food industry, make one small step each week to cook at home, purchase locally raised food, grass fed meat and organic products.
Living healthy, is much more than calories in or calories out, workouts or food group restriction. It’s how you choose to eat, live, play, think and breathe. The more we respect the food we eat and the temple we live within, the easier it is to live a full life!
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about GMOs.
Here are three great resources if you want to start educating yourself further as to how they are used and how Monsanto gained the right to have control over much of our food production.
Resource Links and Information:
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