In recent years, our team has learned so much professionally and personally about the importance of food. Learning through mistakes, illness and success, we have become very passionate about sharing a message of truth. What’s tough, is sometimes a message of truth may seem a little overboard or outside of the norm. I remember the […]
How the Successful Lose Weight and Keep it Off
Working with so many people to help them lose weight, having many successes and having many who give up, I ask myself, how is it that I made the commitment to make better choices? How is that many people I helped 10 or more years ago to lose weight, have kept it off? Because truly that’s the real […]
Remember 1440 in 2012!
Do you know what the number 1440 represents? I didn’t realize the importance of that number until I attended a recent youth summit held last year for the Hernando Youth Initiative. Florida child advocate Jack Levine, reminded us that there are 1440 minutes in every day. With those 1440 minutes, we each have the choice […]
Have you complimented yourself today? Have you taken time to take care you? I hope so. Do you know that you are the most important piece of the puzzle? Without you, there is no job, there is no family and there is no driving to get where you need to be. Many of us are so […]
Eat Simple, Be Healthy, Save Money
In my previous blog, I mentioned eating for fuel and rethinking what you can cook quickly and conveniently. Below is a typical grocery list we use at our home to make food with less additives, less unhealthy fat and more nutrients. Most meals and snacks on this list can be prepared in as little as 2 […]
Saving Money and Saving Your Health
How many times have we heard it is too expensive to eat healthy? Or it’s too much work to cook a good meal. In some cases this may be true, but in most cases, this train of thought has been programmed into our head through commercials, news reports and mass marketing campaigns. Selling on us […]